FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Windcat 40.

An overview of our services

Find out more about the different services of FWOL

FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Windcat 40.

Personnel transfer

The experiences of the last 20 years in addition to the constant input of technicans and charterers helped to develop the design of the Windcat fleet steadily.

Personnel transfer
FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Windcat 40.

Windgrip system

The Windgrip system was developed and patented by Windcat Workboats, the joint-venture partner of FWOL. It offers great advantages for the CTVs in regards to accessibility of turbines, efficiency and flexibility.

Windgrip system
FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Windcat 40.

Other services

FWOL offers additional services for example cargo transfer or ROV operations, carried out by networking partners.

Other services