FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Butendiek Windcat 35.

FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics GmbH (FWOL) is a joint-venture of FRS Offshore GmbH & Co. KG and Windcat Workboats.

Both companies together have more than 20 years of experience in the offshore logistics sector with more than 3 million safely operated transfers to offshore parks and an average of 8,000 transfers per week in regards to the total fleet. FRS Windcat owns spare parts worth more than one million euro - amongst them engines and gears. The design of the Windcats allows for example an engine exchange within eight hours.

Operating more than 55 CTVs for the offshore and wind industry, the petrol and gas industry as well as for other offshore projects, makes Windcat Workboats a leading provider of Personnel Transfers throughout Europe. The fleet of Windcat Workboats is operating in the Netherlands, in Belgium, in the United Kingdom and in Italy, to just name a few locations.
FRS Offshore is a 100% subsidiary of FRS GmbH & Co. KG, the holding of the FRS Group in Flensburg. FRS is a worldwide leading operator of fast ferries with more than 70 different types of ships around the world.

FRS headquater Flensburg.

FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics (FWOL) as a joint-venture offers customised CTVs for the German, Danish and Polish market.

Find more information about both companies under:

Find more information about job offers here.

FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics can totally benefit from extensive know-how and years of logististical experiences of both holdings. Due to the locations of various FRS subsidiaries, existing infrastructure and a technical experienced, 24/7 available Service-Team at different locations along the North Sea coast and Baltic coast are available for FWOL. Amongst them are Cuxhaven (FRS Helgoline office and Offshore Service for Heligoland), the island Romo, port of Havneby (ferry and offshore operations), Rostock (ferry operations and CTV operation for Baltic 1 and Baltic 2), the island Rügen (ferry operations towards Hiddensee) and Stralsund ("Weiße Flotte" office).

Our captains are preferably local coworkers, that are already used to regional weather an sea conditions. Prior to the first entry on board of our ships, every captain has to complete a practical training session. Windcat Workboats owns a special training center in Lowestoft (UK), where new employees can get a general introduction and an evaluation of their skills and training needs. The training especially focuses on the navigation in windparks and the safe landing at the turbines. To provide a reliable back-up service for our customers, some additional FRS captains completed the trainings too.

FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics Windcat 53 captian.